Clifford E Conklin

R.I.P. Russ. Did not know Russ, but it’s always hard to hear a brother FF passing. Thank you Russ for your service to your country and the city of KC

Punta Gorda, FL.

Ed Maurin

Our deepest condolences from the Frank Gregory Family. Russ and Frank worked together for many years on P6.

Kansas City

Kate Rutkowski

To this whole family: I am so sorry about the loss of Russell. I met him in 2021 and he continued to thrive, push himself and get the most out of life each day since then. What a generous servant (both in the military and firefighting world) to others. It was my pleasure to care for him and get to see all of you too. You are all so kind. I will miss our monthly visits. He was an absolute pleasure to provide care for. Kate Rutkowski NP KU Med

Kansas City
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