David Carter

Chris was one of my best friends throughout my life. I miss him. My sincere love and thoughts to you all

Mason, MI

Pam Bernard

I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs, love and prayers to everyone. đŸ’–


Lyle Highfill that’s Lyle Highfill

Edgerton KansasI still have all the dates that you came to the shop written on the wall by you always enjoyed your company you were such a gentle man you will be missed

Lyle Highfill that’s Lyle HighfillEdgerton Kansas

Mark Bronson

I was so sorry to hear of Chris's passing. I worked with Chris for many years at Ruskin. What a kind person he was. It is very true that he never met a stranger. He had a great knack for finding someone that you both knew in common. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerely, Mark


Tom Gorman

Chris & I worked together at Ruskin Mfg for many years. We went to lunch nearly every day together. After he left Ruskin, we continued to meet for lunch on and off, but as time went by, we saw each other less, but would text each other during the holidays. So sorry to hear of his passing. He was a great guy and friend. My sincere condolences to his family.

Prairie Village, KS

Doug Maust

Very sorry for your loss. I worked with Chris for many years at Ruskin. He never did meet a stranger and would do anything for you. Prayers are with your family.

Lee's Summit
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