Kathy Edmundson

Our heartfelt condolences to Edna’s family and especially to our dear friends, April and Lacey. With love and sympathy, Beaver and Kathy Edmundson

Walsenburg, CO

Evelyn Conley

My most sincere condolences to all the family of Edna. She was a hoot; we had loads of fun at the WWA conventions (I was on that panel discussion!) and folks let us know that we were a success. Research trips with our spouses Don and Robert were always so much fun. Oh, the memories! Take care, much love to all.

Claremore, OK

John and Ruby Hertlein

Such a good picture of Edna's smile. Several years ago after Dr Coldsmith was gone we had a big snow. Jim cleared her driveway when he was doing all the neighbors. Before he got back from his rounds Edna came knocking at the door with a pan of brownies since Jim would not take any money. I did not think she should be out in all the snow and ice but there she was with a big smile. When we attended any of Dr. Coldsmith's presentation Edna was on the front row laughing with the rest of us. She was so proud of all the family. When I would ask about Leslie Edna would say she is handling her diagnosis better than Don and I. Prayers are with you all. Ruby

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