Dennis Stepp

My sincere condolences, Maurice was a much older cousin but he was the kind of person that was easy to connect to. He and Pat and a friend and I had supper one night a few years ago in Conroe, Texas. We had a great visit; Maurice kept the conversation going and was an absolute pleasure to be around. The last time I saw him was at the car show that was in conjunction with the Newton High School reunion weekend. He will be missed. Heaven gains another wonderful soul.

Huntsville, Texas

Claudia Black

Dear Pat, My heart goes out to you as you grieve. I so enjoyed meeting Maurice back in the days of SJCC when I was active. My prayer book will now have your name along with Maurice’s, Don’s and all of Maurice’s family. May your memories fill your heart and mind with comfort. Please accept my sincerest condolences. Love, Claudia

Rushville, MO

Janis Kay Jackson

We are so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

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