Kathy Shepard

I loved this very special lady! Fly high sweet Granny.

Stewartsville mo

Latisha maiseroulle

So very sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love and prayers.

Gower mo

Sarah Webb

love, strength and prayers to all of you but especially to my sweet friend Tammy!!!! Your mom is trying out her new wings now!!! x

Fishers, IN

Terri Heydorn Lup

My Condolences to The Family of Virginia Donley prayers for her family and friends may She Rest in The Arms Of Jesus Christ.♥️🙏🏽


Carol Wood

My deepest condolences to the entire Donley family. Ginny was the kindest, sweetest and most loving woman. One cherished memory I have is wearing a dress of hers to prom with Pete when I was 17. She’s with the Lord now. So much love to you all. God Bless.


Born Russell Eugene Carder, name changed to Robert Kindle

So sorry to hear of her death ,through Dna just found out we were related ,was hoping to find her alive and well,my biological mother was Lois Carder,my condolences to the family.

Alger Ohio
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